Thursday, April 13, 2006

Requiescat in Pacem

William Sloane Coffin was “the conscience of the country,” says Cora Weiss, peace activist. “He questioned authority before that phrase came into vogue.” In an interview with NPR in 1994, Rev. Coffin said,

Hope is a state of mind independent of the state of the world. If your heart is full of hope you can be persistent even if you are not optimistic. I keep the faith despite the evidence, knowing that only in so doing does the evidence have any chance of changing.

Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr., civil activist who opposed nuclear arms, poverty, anti-Semitism and championed civil rights, died on April 12, 2006 at age 81.

Appearance as Text

What do we "read"
when we look
in the mirror?

(photo by M.A.C.)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


On Wednesday (tomorrow) at two minutes and three seconds
after 1:00 in the morning, it will be
01:02:03 04-05-06.
This will never happen again in our lifetimes!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Bridge of Sighs

Responding to poetry

Donald Hall, in The Unsayable Said, says, "Poetry is not talk. It sounds like talk...but poetry is talk altered into art, speech slowed down and attended to, words arranged for the reader who contracts to read them for their whole heft of association and noise...Reading with care, so that a wholeness of language engages a wholeness of reading body and mind, we absorb poetry not with our eyes only nor with our ears at a reading. We read with our mouths that chew on vowel and consonant; we read with our limbed muscles that enact the dance of the poem's rhythm; we read alert to history and the context of words."

What images or lines in the poems we read in class support Hall's concept that poetry demands more of a response from us than merely mind or eyes can give?ProfC

Friday, March 31, 2006

On Orwell and Language

"The writer either has a meaning and cannot express it, or he inadvertently says something else, or he is almost indifferent as to whether his words mean anything or not. This mixture of vagueness and sheer incompetence is the most marked characteristic of modern English prose...the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated henhouse."

George Orwell expressed these thoughts sixty years ago in "Politics and the English Language." To what extent do his words apply today? Also, in trying to avoid your own essays reading like his "prefabricated henhouse," how helpful do you find the questions he poses and the rules for writing he suggests in his essay?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Langer, Art, and You

Please post a reflection on one way in which a concept or a sentence in Suzanne Langer's "The Cultural Importance of Art" reflects, enlightens, or contradicts your experience. Select a sentence in the essay, analyze it, and respond to it with specific reference to your own life.

Have fun!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Essay idea from a student in 112-55

I was listening to the radio on my way to work and thought of a decent thesis for those interested in using music. I'm a firm believer in what Frank Zappa thinks when he commented to congress in the 80's, "I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone's teeth get cleaner?" If you don't feel this way, a good thesis would be on how the artistic differences of metal and hard rock can induce negative action. This can be explored through rhythms, subliminal messages, lyrics, and how each caused some effect in individuals. Just an idea.

posted by SCSU_student

Thursday, March 02, 2006

FYI: links to "art-icles" and related sites